perception, food service, nutrition in general secondary education institutions, consumer loyalty index, marketing policy, business entitiesAbstract
The article considers methodological approaches to the analysis of the perception of the level of food service by school-age children who are consumers of food services in general secondary education institutions. General scientific methods of cognition and special methods are used: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, grouping, survey method for collecting primary data, methods of statistical analysis of obtained results, graphical method for visual presentation of obtained results, Servqual method for assessing satisfaction with service level and evaluation methods. consumer loyalty according to the NPS loyalty index (Net Promoter Score). The proposed methodical approach to determining the level of children's satisfaction with the level of food service is described, which consists in determining both the generalized indicator and detailing by the attributes of food service. Based on the proposed approach, the analysis of children's perception of food service in general secondary education is identified, the existing problems in the level of its provision are identified, which serve as a basis for developing a marketing strategy for food service providers in general secondary education. According to the results of a study of consumer behavior of children in the market of food and food services in educational institutions, it was determined that the degree of consumer satisfaction with food service is below average. The degree of consumer loyalty was assessed based on the determination of the NPS (Net Promoter Score) consumer loyalty index. Based on the proposed approach to determine the key parameters for assessing the level of consumer satisfaction with the level of food service, the potential of innovation activity in the direction of modernization of the food service sector of general secondary education is determined. The proposed methodological approach should be used to systematically monitor the dynamics of the perception of the level of food service by school-age children in order to further plan the marketing strategy of economic entities.
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