
  • О. Bielova «KROK» University
  • І. Petrova «KROK» University



marketing, personnel marketing, motivation, employee compensation package, compensation policy


This article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation of the compensation policy of the modern enterprise and the role of personnel marketing in its formation. The terms "personnel marketing" and "compensation policy" are defined. Personnel marketing is defined as a type of management activities aimed at long-term provision of the organization with human resources that form the strategic potential that is necessary to achieve its specific target priorities. Compensation policy is defined as a system of external incentives that encourage the employee to get a result that satisfies both the employee and the company. It is also proposed to consider the employees of the enterprise as an "internal consumer", which allows to update the relevance of the application and development of internal marketing, and in particular personnel marketing. The main motivators and demotivators that influence the behavior of the employee in building an effective system of personnel marketing in the compensation policy of the enterprise are identified. The influence of motivators and demotivators on the needs of employees is graphically presented and the specifics of this influence on the effectiveness of staff marketing in the compensation policy of the company are analyzed. Features, advantages and disadvantages of creating a compensation policy at a modern enterprise are analyzed. Specific examples of optimization of personnel marketing in modern enterprises are given. The key elements of the compensation policy that affect the efficiency of a modern enterprise are highlighted. The list of principles of construction of effective compensation policy at the modern enterprise (which includes: openness, flexibility, complexity, stability, system, efficiency, etc.) is formed and features of their application are analyzed. The relevance of further research in the field of personnel marketing in the compensation policy of the enterprise is argued.


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Author Biographies

О. Bielova, «KROK» University

Ph.D. (Economics), associate professor, associate professor at marketing and behavioral economics department

І. Petrova, «KROK» University

Doctor of sciences (Economics), professor, head of marketing and behavioral economics department


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How to Cite

Bielova О., & Petrova І. (2020). PERSONNEL MARKETING IN COMPANY’S COMPENSATION POLICY. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (60), 115–120.



Chapter 6. Management and marketing