intellectual capital, organizational and economic mechanism, civil service, managemen, state policy, innovative developmentAbstract
The article proposes a conceptual model of a complex organizational and economic mechanism for the development of intellectual capital of the civil service of Ukraine. Based on the analysis, the characteristic properties of the mechanism of intellectual capital development of the civil service of Ukraine are identified: independence and systemic subsystems of organizational and economic mechanism of intellectual capital development of the civil service of Ukraine (legal, resource, motivational and information-communicative); realization of its specific function within each of the subsystems of the organizational and economic mechanism of development of intellectual capital of the civil service of Ukraine; the specific composition of the subjects directly responsible for the implementation of the function of intellectual capital development of the civil service of Ukraine; the relationship of entities that implement the functions of development of organizational and economic mechanism of development of intellectual capital of the civil service of Ukraine, among themselves the common goals and principles of activity; involvement in the implementation of selected subsystems of the organizational and economic mechanism of development of intellectual capital of the civil service of Ukraine of various tools and methods of state regulation; planned development of intellectual capital of the civil service of Ukraine, etc. The model of the complex organizational and economic mechanism of development of intellectual capital of civil service of Ukraine as integral system in which features of management of development of intellectual capital of civil service are presented, and also effective interrelation between all subjects of management is formed and proved. It is determined that the complex organizational and economic mechanism of development of intellectual capital of the civil service of Ukraine is a complex state-administrative and socio-economic formation, which is represented by integrative interaction of subsystems of such mechanism (legal, resource, motivational and information-communicative). intellectual capital of the civil service of Ukraine with a purposeful nature in terms of influencing its effectiveness.
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