professional competencies, administrators, IT-administration bodies, Unified State Reserves RegisterAbstract
In the context of Ukraine’s global and European integration, the issue of fulfilling our state’s international obligations, including in terms of public administration and civil service reform, is becoming increasingly important. An important stage in the formation of a modern and effective system of public administration and the involvement of highly qualified specialists in the civil service was the approval by the Government of Ukraine of the Strategy for Public Administration Reform of Ukraine for 2016–2020. The priorities of public administration reform are, in particular, strengthening human resources through the formation of modern human resources management services. These new structural units are designed to help maximize the needs of society, the state, government agencies in professionals with a high level of professionalism, as well as open new opportunities for professional self-realization of civil servants responsible for major national reforms. The concept of competency approach is integrated, it forms the basic principles of personnel management of a modern organization. In view of this, the competence of the world community in the management of the personnel of a state body is recognized as a competence approach. The purpose of this article is to develop a list of professional competencies of administrators of the USRE administration. The article analyzes the latest research and publications on the implementation of the competency approach to the formation of certain competencies. According to the results of the study, in accordance with the requirements of legal acts, a list of professional competencies for administrators of the IT-administration bodies of the Unified State Reserves Register has been identified and proposed. The proposed list of professional competencies covers all areas of work performed by the IT-administration bodies of the Unified State Reserves Register. The obtained research results will provide an opportunity to develop positions’ passports for administrators of the IT-administration bodies of the Unified State Reserves Register, standards and methods of their training.
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