profiling, public administration, state security, personnel security, threats to state security, profiling toolsAbstract
The article substantiates that there are many types of profiling, including: "ethnic profiling", "lobbying profiling", "criminal profiling", "information security profiling", "anti-terrorist profiling", "typological profiling", " business profiling ”,“ transport profiling ”,“ hotel profiling ”, etc. Profiling is a very common method at the current stage of development of society, which is used by security services at Western and national airports to identify those who are capable of committing criminal acts (eg terrorists). In addition to professional profilers, security services use technical profiling (for example, CCTV cameras, "polygraph", etc.). Criminal and behavioral profiling are permissible and legal tools that allow the most effective way to allocate limited law enforcement resources. The purpose of the study is to systematize scientific approaches to the problems of using profiling as a basis for ensuring state security of Ukraine. The author proves that profiling in the system of public administration is a set of socio-psychological methods for diagnosing personal characteristics, motives, possible actions or inaction, which predict the future activities of officials, civil servants, local government officials, politicians to predict management scenarios. situations, relationships, actions, patterns of behavior and communication, especially illegal behavior, including corruption offenses. The author substantiates that profiling in the system of state security is a set of socio-psychological methods for diagnosing the behavior and activities of officials in the public administration system, which are offenses and can harm not only the authorities where this person works, but also the national and national security. The main areas of application of profiling in the system of state security are the following: profiling of high-ranking officials (politicians who do not belong to civil service positions); profiling of civil servants of category "A"; profiling of persons engaged in lobbying activities; profiling of persons holding positions in the defense system; profiling of the personnel potential system of the local self-government system; profiling of elected positions.
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