
  • І. Moshlyak «KROK» University




foreign direct investment, investment environment, organizational and economic mechanism of FDI attraction, investment policy, investment activity, investment attractiveness, state regulation


The articles consider the role of foreign investment in the economy of Ukraine, identify factors that provide a positive impact on the investment climate and some problems of creating an unfavorable investment environment. Peculiarities of attracting foreign direct investment to Ukraine are analyzed. The dynamics of foreign investment in the economy of Ukraine is given. The branch of the national economy of Ukraine, which uses foreign investments the most, is characterized. The distribution of attracted foreign direct investments by the main regionals - recipients of investments of Ukraine is investigated. The necessity of reduction of foreign investments in modern conditions is generally substantiated, the main problems due to the arrival of foreign investments are investigated and the main ways of their solution are offered. Investment, including among foreigners, is not a simple mechanism of development, but also a way regulation of the economy through the transfer of capital. At the present stage of development of the foreign investment market are the main sources of new competitive technologies. The purchase of Ukrainian enterprises whose private individuals, through the processes of mergers (acquisitions), foreign investors see as private use of investment from these positions, which is reduced due to inefficient management. Gradually increasing the chances of applying best practices in obtaining new technologies and circulating activities during the protracted crisis. The development of a mechanism for attracting foreign direct investment to any country should be based on the peculiarities of economic globalization. This very reluctance of Western companies to invest in their homes is due to the existence of strict state employment rules, high unemployment benefits, high payments of employers in social funds, high levels of minimum wages and compensation in case of dismissal. Therefore, the foreign activity of the company is now quite large. Thus, the mechanism for attracting foreign investment created in Ukraine should have existing advantages in comparison with the countries where they are already located, as well as with other potential recipient countries. The main task for Ukraine in attracting foreign investment necessary for the restructuring of the economy is to create conditions for foreign investment that would guarantee the principles of economic security of the state while offering maximum rapprochement of interested states with the interests of foreign investors.


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Author Biography

І. Moshlyak, «KROK» University

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Moshlyak І. (2020). FEATURES OF ATTRACTING FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS IN THE ECONOMY OF UKRAINE. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (60), 26–31. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2020-60-26-31



Chapter 2. International economic relations