
  • А.А. Radchenko Private higher educational institution "Higher educational institution" “Interregional academy of personnel management "
  • О. Pidvalna Vinnytsia National Agrarian University



small business, regional economy, agro - industrial complex, business organization, region, agriculture


Small business has a significant impact on stabilizing the economic situation of the regions. Small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, along with large enterprises, participate in almost all sectors of the economy and make a significant contribution to the production of goods and services. The global financial crisis, the unstable political situation, to some extent affected all sectors of the economy, declining incomes and, consequently, reduced demand for goods and services. Small businesses have to make great efforts to "stay afloat" and earn income from their activities. But it is not for nothing that small business is called the foundation of a large economy. Small enterprises are more mobile, have a relatively high turnover of capital, faster large enterprises adapt to modern conditions. The role of agriculture in the economy of a country or a particular region characterizes the structure of the economy and the level of its development. The role of agriculture in the economy can be assessed by such indicators as the share of agriculture in the total economically active population, the share of agriculture in the structure of GDP as a whole. These indicators are high in developing countries, where the number of people employed in agriculture is more than half of the working population. Agriculture there is characterized by extensive development, ie the volume of production increases due to the expansion of sown areas, increasing livestock, increasing the number of people employed in agriculture. The agrarian structure and territorial location of agricultural production were formed as a result of the division of labor by industry and territory. The weak dynamics of small business development in Ukraine was negatively affected by the financial crisis, the unstable political situation in the country and so on. For further development of small-scale production and creation of a stable and competitive environment in the village it is necessary to determine the priorities of their development, as well as further support from the state. State support should be aimed at solving the following tasks: facilitating the start of business; creating opportunities for the transformation of small and medium-sized businesses as the basis of a competitive environment and increasing the efficiency of large companies; ensuring the competitiveness and dynamism of entrepreneurship as one of the factors of economic growth.


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Author Biographies

А.А. Radchenko, Private higher educational institution "Higher educational institution" “Interregional academy of personnel management "

postgraduate student

О. Pidvalna, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of  the Department of Agrarian Management and Marketing


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How to Cite

Radchenko А., & Pidvalna О. (2020). ORGANIZATION OF SMALL BUSINESS IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF THE REGION. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (59), 224–235.



Chapter 7. Entrepreneuship, trade and stock exchanges