
  • К. Lagler Targit GmbH Osterreich
  • S.I. Boguslavka Cherkasy National University



investments, investment attractiveness, investment potential, region, economy


An effective condition for the development of any socio-economic system is the availability of investment as a more important source of economic growth of the state.  In modern conditions, attracting investment is an important task and one of the main components of the national economy.  A prerequisite for effective investment activity is the analysis and evaluation of the attractiveness of investment objects in order to determine the guidelines and priorities for investment.  Investment attractiveness is an important component of the strategy of sustainable economic development of the state, so its research and evaluation are of great theoretical and practical importance. The purpose of the study is to determine the stages of formation of investment attractiveness of the region's economy. The paper proves that the assessment of investment attractiveness of regional economics should be understood as a procedure for determining the investment potential of the region and investment risks that arise both at the state level and in each region, as well as comparing its results with the selected comparison base or rating model. The procedure for forming the investment attractiveness of the region's economy has been developed, which consists in the following: 1) determination of the purpose and objectives of the assessment; 2) definition of object-oriented database; 3) identification of risks affecting the investment attractiveness of the economy of the regions; 4) the choice of time interval;  5) the choice of research method. It is substantiated that the general tasks of assessing the investment attractiveness of the region's economy include the following: analysis of the investment potential of the region's economy;  determining the impact of risks;  formulation of research results in the form of information-analytical or graphical evaluation. It is established that the principles of selection of indicators of investment attractiveness of the economy of the regions should include the following: purposefulness, simplicity, uniformity, objectivity, reliability, realism and scientificity.


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Author Biographies

К. Lagler, Targit GmbH Osterreich

Head of Business Advisory Services

S.I. Boguslavka, Cherkasy National University

Ph.D. (Economics), associate professor, associate professor of management and economic security department


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How to Cite

Lagler К., & Boguslavka, S. (2020). FORMATION OF INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF THE REGIONS ECONOMY. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (59), 207–213.



Chapter 7. Entrepreneuship, trade and stock exchanges