
  • О. Sumets KROK University
  • V. Alkema KROK University


assessment, capabilities, health protection institution, clinical studies, medical staff, qualifications


The field of clinical research at this time has already begun to be considered by experts as one of the components of the country's economy. The quality of clinical trials is influenced by a number of factors, ranging from the level of organization of the latter, and ending with their location. The latter factor requires additional research, because in the scientific and methodological literature the issue of choosing a medical institution where a clinical trial will be conducted, insufficient attention is paid. This justifies the relevance of the issue, which will be considered in the article. The purpose of the article is to perform a preliminary assessment of the municipal non-profit enterprise "Center for Primary Health Care" Rusanivka "" Dniprovsky district of Kyiv to establish the possibility of performing on its basis clinical trials of pharmaceuticals. This article deals with the results of a preliminary assessment of the municipal non-profit enterprise «Center for Primary Health Care "Rusanivka" of Dniprovskyi district of Kyiv on the establishment of opportunities for implementation on its basis the clinical researches of pharmaceuticals. The main purpose of its activity is prevention of diseases, preservation and strengthening of health of the inhabitants of the district. It is noted that the Center for Primary Health Care provides maximum access to services for patients, fair distribution of health resources, integrated and coordinated provision of comprehensive preventive, curative, rehabilitation and palliative services at the primary level. To carry out a preliminary assessment of the medical institution, the authors performed a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the tasks of the Center for Primary Health Care to provide medical services to the population, its planned capacity to serve the population, the number of persons assigned to one doctor for medical care, age structure of the population attached to the institution, the level of workload per doctor in relation to the attached persons, the level of institution’s medical staff provision, the level of qualification of medical staff. It is stated that this list of criteria will enable clinical trial managers to perform a preliminary operational assessment of the possibilities of performing clinical trials on the basis of a specific medical institution. It is established that the municipal non-profit enterprise «Center for Primary Health Care "Rusanivka" of Dniprovskyi district of Kyiv can be taken as a basis for clinical trials of pharmaceuticals.


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Author Biographies

О. Sumets, KROK University

Doctor of science (Economics), associate professor, associate professor of the management technologies department

V. Alkema, KROK University

Doctor of science (Economics), professor, head of the management technologies department


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How to Cite

Sumets О., & Alkema, V. (2020). MANAGEMENT PROBLEM OF CHOICE OF INSTITUTION FOR CONDUCTING CLINICAL RESEARCH. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (59), 165–174. Retrieved from



Chapter 6. Management and marketing