
  • I. Petrova «KROK» University




economic security, risk, risk-oriented management, social innovation, risk- manager, corporative culture


In the era of rapid constant changes, the internal and external environment of the enterprise become volatile, unstable and unpredictable, which creates the basis for the dangers and threats to the economic security system. To limit or eliminate them, progressive management technologies are needed to develop and implement technologies aimed at revealing, identifying, evaluating and making decisions and expedient risk management measures. Numerous risks pose in all spheres of economic security, including finance, production and operations, information, innovation, investment, marketing, personnel. In order to confront their influence and reduce the likelihood of negative consequences for the enterprise in the practice of management, risk management is used. The peculiarity of its modern development is the formation of a risk-oriented approach to governance, which differs in complexity and integration and involves social changes in management, namely the development of risk-oriented thinking, the appropriate corporate culture, the involvement of risk- managers with the right competencies, which turn them into business - partners of the enterprise. Due to these properties, risk-oriented management is proposed to be considered as an important social innovation capable of significantly affecting the state and dynamics of economic security of the enterprise. The purpose of the article is to define risk-oriented management as a social innovation, analysis of the logic of its development and implementation to ensure economic security of economic entities. Implementation of risk-oriented management in the system of economic security of the enterprise, on the one hand, contributes to the increase of its stability, on the other hand, allows to be flexible in acting on changes, which ensures a positive dynamics of its development.


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Author Biography

I. Petrova, «KROK» University

Doctor of sciences (Economics), professor, head of marketing and behavioral economics department,


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How to Cite

Petrova, I. (2020). RISK-ORIENTED MANAGEMENT AS A SOCIAL INNOVATION IN ENSURING ECONOMIC SECURITY. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (59), 243–248. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2020-59-243-248



Chapter 9. Innovative activities