information, knowledge, knowledge management, higher education, higher educational institution, educational process, managementAbstract
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of understanding knowledge as an object and knowledge management as a process in the field of higher education. The aim of the study is to analyze theoretical approaches to the definitions of "knowledge" and "knowledge management" in the context of the study of knowledge management in higher education. It was been analysis of existing approaches to understanding the definitions of "knowledge", "knowledge management" among domestic and foreign researchers. It is found that in the broadest sense of "knowledge" is considered as all the information received by man during his life, both directly from the outside world (through the senses) and in the process of mental activity of man himself. Under the management of knowledge in higher education, it is proposed to understand the purposeful and systematic management activities to ensure the effective acquisition, transfer and use of knowledge during the educational process and research activities of higher education. Such management activities include the development of methods, procedures, standards, identification of sources, the creation of tools for finding, obtaining, disseminating, evaluating, storing, transferring and transforming knowledge as necessary elements of the intellectual capital of higher education. Among other things, it was found that the collection of information, its generalization, systematization and adaptation of knowledge generated by scientists to the perception of students (students) and their transfer to these students (students) is a key component of the educational process, and knowledge itself - the strategic resource have been. It has been suggested that improving the efficiency of knowledge management may be an effective measure to increase the popularity of domestic higher education institutions, which will help reduce the number of entrants abroad. Because the main reason for the emigration of applicants is the significant competitive advantages of European universities, compared to Ukrainian. Priority sources of knowledge in higher education institute should be research and teaching in all its forms. Therefore, in corporate terms, information and research activities of higher education institutions should focus on the production and sale of patents, licenses, know-how.
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