
  • А. Levchenko National University “Zaporizhzhia Politechnic”
  • Т. Pulina National University “Zaporizhzhia Politechnic”



social project, advertising, advertising technology, public authorities


The article examines the problems of using social projects as an advertising technology in the activities of state authorities and local self-government. The essence of social projects and the peculiarities of their use in advertising campaigns of public authorities have been determined. A social project can be defined as a project implemented in various spheres of life of the state and society, the result of which is a change of the social actor, object, process or phenomenon towards the best activity mode of the future. It has been determined that the main factor of effective use of a social project as an advertising technology in public administration is the trust of citizens in representatives and, accordingly, in public authorities and local self-government. Analysis of domestic and foreign experience of advertising technologies of public authorities and local governments states that advertising technologies in public administration can be successful only if a comprehensive approach us used, which is not typical for Ukraine. Nevertheless, in most cases Ukrainian public bodies, as well as foreign ones, provide social projects at the expense of their own communication resources. Effective social projects are usually implemented on the basis of modern social investment management technologies, defined organizational standards, including procedures for selecting projects for funding, monitoring the progress of their implementation and evaluation of the final results. They involve contractual relations, in particular, the conclusion of agreements for the provision of targeted funding with the executors of social programs, often using competitive mechanisms. Another notable feature is close contacts with civil society, involvement of experts, partners in programs of Ukrainian and international non-profit organizations. Government agencies / public bodies can implement both their own social projects and programs of partnership with business representatives, programs of partnership with NGOs, programs of cooperation with professional associations, as well as information cooperation with the media. Government agencies / public bodies implement social projects according to their activity specific, the size of the organization and the expectations of priority stakeholders.


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Author Biographies

А. Levchenko, National University “Zaporizhzhia Politechnic”


Т. Pulina, National University “Zaporizhzhia Politechnic”

Doctor of sciences (Economics), Professor, head management department, academician of AEN Ukraine


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How to Cite

Levchenko А., & Pulina Т. (2020). SOCIAL PROJECT AS ADVERTISING TECHNOLOGY OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (59), 67–73.



Chapter 5. Рublic management and administration