
  • K. Yerokhin "KROK" University




finance, project management, LEAN, team management, business analysis


The article examines the experiment of reorganizing the work of the finance department into permanent projects according to the LEAN methodology. The aim of the article is to consider an innovative approach to developing and implementing a project-oriented function of the finance department, taking into account the LEAN methodology, which will increase the efficiency of financial management and accounting, control, data analysis, increase the value for users and more effectively achieve common goals. This methodology is an effective management concept, the essence of which is to optimize business processes by maximizing focus on the interests and needs of the client (market) and taking into account the motivation of each employee. The introduction of the methodology ideally allows to solve a number of major problems that most companies face every day and every hour: to achieve high quality at minimal cost, to reduce production time, to avoid overproduction, to regulate supply issues.As a result of application of advanced innovative methods of business analysis, project management and flexible management methodology, the company's financial function was reorganized, consumers of information were identified, their segmentation and reorientation of departments to maximize the needs of such consumers. Functional strategies were developed in the form of goals for each project, frequency of information to consumers, developed a system of quality control and completeness of information, as well as a comparison of functional goals with general strategic goals of the business as a whole, as well as their mission and vision. As a result, separate projects were created, in which employees can independently choose their role in accordance with the process structure and methodology of LEAN. In addition, the business analysis of the processes in each individual project revealed inefficient areas of work, as a result, document flow was reduced by 25%, and process execution time - by an average of 15%. Also in the course of the experiment clear and transparent goals were set, which increased the motivation of employees and became the basis for the implementation of KRI system for the finance department, introduced a system of quality, completeness and timeliness of financial information for consumers.


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Author Biography

K. Yerokhin, "KROK" University

Ph.D. (Economics), аssociate professor of project and process management department


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How to Cite

Yerokhin, K. (2020). LEAN APPROACH TO THE ORGANIZATION OF THE FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (59), 30–37. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2020-59-30-37



Chapter 3. Finance, banking and insurance