
  • sozionik@gmail.com "KROK" University




political activism, іslam, public administration, public policy, state security, іslamists, salafists, jihadists


The article analyzes the nature of the influence of political activism in Islam on strategic communications with Muslim countries and considers the points that may negatively affect the sphere of state security of Ukraine. The aim of the article is to identify the main actors of Islamic political activism, as well as to analyze the impact of this phenomenon on the development of strategic communications between government agencies and Muslim countries. The main actors of Islamic political activism and ideological differences between them are identified. It is proved that in modern conditions the main forces of political activism in Islam are Sufis and Islamists, between whom there is a constant confrontation. It is noted that the main goal of Sufis in a non-Muslim country is to achieve a constructive dialogue with local authorities to protect the interests of their believers in the religious and social sphere. At the same time, Sufi political activity is often forced, usually in response to Islamist actions. The main stages of the formation of Islamist ideology are considered. It is shown that a large proportion of modern Islamist organizations adopt the idea of the "Muslim Brotherhood". Attention is drawn to the fact that the ultimate goal of the Islamists is to create a global Muslim caliphate, with a legal system based on Sharia (that is, in fact, the destruction of other forms of government). Proponents of Islamist ideology are in power in many Muslim countries today. Emphasis is placed on the fact that even "moderate Islamists" in strategic communications try to actively use ethno-confessional and political-economic factors to spread their influence to important regions in order to gain benefits directly for themselves or to protect the interests of their ethnically close believers. The possible consequences of Ankara's implementation of a political ideology that is significantly influenced by the concept of "neo-Ottomanism", aimed at restoring Turkish dominance in the former Ottoman Empire, are analyzed.


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Author Biography

sozionik@gmail.com, "KROK" University

Ph.D. (Philosophy), associate professor of foreign languages and general disciplines department


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How to Cite

Aulin О. (2020). POLITICAL ACTIVISM IN ISLAM AS AN IMPORTANT FACTOR OF STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS WITH MUSLIM COUNTRIES. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (59), 16–23. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2020-59-16-23



Chapter 2. International economic relations