
  • O. Kolyadich Kyiv National Economic University Vadym Hetman
  • E. Drugova Kyiv National Economic University Vadym Hetman



labor market models, human capital, labor market institutions, national labor market model, mechanism


The article reflects the trends that have occurred in the labor market in recent decades from the standpoint of the post-industrial paradigm, which has undergone a deep critical rethinking of methodological foundations. The aim of the article is to analyze the existing world models of the labor market; identification of conditions and factors of formation and functioning of the national model of the labor market, taking into account the specifics of the latter; characterizing the further development of the national labor market and outlining the possibility of its optimization in terms of increasing jobs and ensuring productive employment. Today, the institutions of the social and labor sphere in the Ukrainian economy continue to transform from a command and administrative form to a market form. Based on the experience of global development models, Ukraine is trying to rethink approaches to economic development on a post-industrial basis. The article examines the world models of labor market development, with a focus on aspects of institutionalization of the public space of the political, social and economic spheres of economic life. Analysis of existing models makes it possible to establish parameters for harmonizing the interests of such parties to social and labor relations as employers, their organizations; employees (trade unions); the state (executive power). The positive and negative aspects of each model are identified, which are aimed at their long-term transformation into human capital. Taking into account the shortcomings of the Ukrainian labor market, there is a need to rethink and use separate, institutionally adaptive principles and features of the studied models to the realities of social and Labor Relations. The process of modifying the outdated model of the labor market will contribute to the formation of a competitive environment, which will contribute to the effectiveness of interaction between the parties to social and labor relations and will help solve the problems of establishing a market economy and determining effective mechanisms of state regulation. However, the effectiveness of social dialogue and partnership in providing training is currently limited by the capabilities and available resources of participants, depending on the country, industry, and scale of enterprises. The main directions of state action are outlined, taking into account the main models of the labor market, and indicators and criteria related to the employment sector, factors that affect economic growth and increase the efficiency of the national economy in transformational conditions are characterized.


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Author Biographies

O. Kolyadich, Kyiv National Economic University Vadym Hetman

Ph.D. (Economics), associate professor

E. Drugova, Kyiv National Economic University Vadym Hetman

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Kolyadich, O., & Drugova, E. (2020). ANALYSIS OF LABOR MARKET MODELS: WORLD EXPERIENCE FOR UKRAINE. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (59), 8–15.



Chapter 1. Economic theory and history of economic thought