


tourism, socialization, innovation development, social doctrine, region


One of the conditions for effective economic development is the achievement of scientific and technical progress, the expansion of the scope of works associated with the development and implementation of the economic practice of innovation. Therefore, at the present stage of functioning of tourist industry of Ukraine there are no doubts about the necessity of the transition of the tourism industry to innovative model of economic development. In addition, today tourism is an important social phenomenon, which covers a significant portion of the world's population, so the social component of tourist activities is so powerful that accounted for almost all spatial levels. The article considers preconditions and features of innovative development of tourism at the regional level, as well as advanced trends of innovation activity in the tourism sector in terms of socialization of the economy. Described two main approaches to the analysis of innovation activities in the tourism sector – the functional and spatial. Emphasis is placed on the role of spatial development in tourism and its social functions. To coordinate efforts to create a holistic and systematic regional tourism policy in terms of socialization of the economy required is the development social doctrine of the tourism. Analyzes social aspects and selected organizational forms of innovative directions of development of tourism at the regional level that cannot be realized without the effective functioning of the relevant institutional forms, including public authorities and local governments; scientific and educational institutions; local community and other communities; tourism businesses and organizations; institutions of sphere of services, transport and other networks; establishment, maintenance, consulting organization; destination; media, etc. discussed in Detail the mechanisms of realization of administrative management and information directions of innovative development of tourism in the region.


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Author Biographies

О. Г. Підвальна, Vinnytsia national agrarian University

PhD (Economics), associate professor agricultural management department

Ю. Б. Феленчак, Lviv state University of physical culture named after Ivana Boberskogo

PhD (Economics),associate professor of sports tourism department


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How to Cite

Підвальна, О. Г., & Феленчак, Ю. Б. (2020). SOCIAL ASPECTS OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN THE REGION. Science Notes of KROK University, (2 (58), 152–158.



Chapter 9. Innovative activities