construction companies, problems and prospects of development, key success factors, competitiveness, business analysisAbstract
In market conditions of national economy development, the construction sector is one of the leading and most important types of economic activity in Ukraine. This is due to the fact that the construction industry in Ukraine creates a large number of jobs and uses the products of all industries (units) of the economy. It should also be noted that the level of development of construction companies in Ukraine is also influenced by the processes of financing the production base of construction, the level of quality of human resources, the level of supply of construction equipment, materials and structures. All this led to the choice of the topic of the article, reveals its relevance and determines the overall purpose of scientific work. The development of the construction industry inevitably causes economic growth in the country and the solution of many social problems. At the present stage it is quite difficult to talk about any competitiveness in this industry. While at the regional level there is a clear trend of supremacy of construction companies in central districts and large millionaires due to their significant capacity and investment attractiveness, at the global level the construction industry of Ukraine lags far behind due to lack of necessary financial and organizational transformations. However, the growth of the construction industry inevitably causes economic growth in the country and the emergence of the necessary conditions to solve many social problems. But at the present stage of its development to talk about any competitiveness of this industry is not possible. While at the regional level there is a clear trend of supremacy of construction companies in central districts and large millionaire cities due to their significant capacity and investment attractiveness, at the global level the construction industry of Ukraine loses due to lack of necessary financial and organizational changes.
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