



network enterprises, international business, typology, dissertification, participants, partnership, innovative character


There are the scientific approaches to the classification of features of the typology of modern network business structures introduced in the article. Existing classification (a sign of organizational and managerial methods) (centralization (legal, economic, market dependence), decentralization, hybrid); indication of the activity scale (for international business) (global, international, interstate (including national, regional)); sign of industry affiliation (specialization); sign of activities; a sign of the nature of the format of functioning; a sign of the nature (types) of the directions diversification of functioning of the members of the association; sign of the target reference point of creation of network association (marketing and organizational sign); a sign of the partnership urgency; sign of subjects-participants of network business association) it is offered to expand at the expense of signs of participation of all structural elements as subordinated divisions of network business structure (as a part of the sign of centralization) and signs of innovative (high-tech) character of production (services). Based on the study of scientific approaches to the systematization of features, an author's approach to the typology of network business structures operating at the present stage of development has been developed. This approach takes into account the peculiarities of the functioning and development of network enterprises operating in the international business environment, its provisions expand the theoretical basis of the study in terms of the possibility of using this typology as a picture of such structures in creating a historiography of network economy transformation. The author's approach involves the allocation of network structures depending on the characteristics of organizational and management methods, characteristics of the scale of activity (for international business), organizational and legal characteristics, characteristics of industry (specialization), characteristics of activities, characteristics of the format, types of characteristics (types) diversification of directions of functioning of members of association, marketing-organizational sign, signs of urgency of partnership, signs of subjects-participants of network business association, signs of innovative (high-tech) character of production (services).


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Author Biography

Б. В. Вікторов, «KROK» University

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Вікторов, Б. В. (2020). TYPES OF NETWORK ENTERPRISES IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. Science Notes of KROK University, (2 (58), 26–39. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2020-58-26-39



Chapter 2. International economic relations