intellectual capital, human capital, intellectual work, post-industrial society, labor market, sphere of education, information structure, highly qualified specialistsAbstract
The article describes the developments of leading representatives of economic thought within the theory of information economy. The scientific achievements of domestic and foreign scientists on the formation of theories of intellectual capital, from the theoretical works of classical political economy to in-depth studies of modern scientists (A. Smith, D. Ricardo, W. Petty, T. Schultz, G. Becker, L. Throw, A. Marshall, L. Walras, MI Tugan-Baranovsky, A. Chukhno, DP Goddess, OA Grishnova, EM Libanova, AM Kolot). The levels of analysis in the works of these scientists (individual, micro and macro) and differences in approaches to the assessment of human capital (as an asset, as a special form of capital, as valuable human qualities, as costs). The interrelation of the categories "human capital" and "intellectual capital" is revealed; their innovative role in economic development is shown. Based on the systematization of definitions of intellectual capital in the modern economic literature, the author's vision of the essence of the category "intellectual capital" in the narrow and broad sense of the word is formulated.The main factors of intellectual capital formation are determined, in particular, the emergence of information and intellectual technologies, which led to a significant deepening of the processes of intellectualization of labor and provided significant changes in the socio-economic structure of society as a whole.The author proves the need for special theoretical research of intangible resources and factors of production, including information, knowledge, intellectual work, and also reveals the need to create conditions for effective use of intellectual capital in the processes of innovation.
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