economic security of the state, economic diplomacy, political and diplomatic component of economic security, integral index of economic security of UkraineAbstract
The current global processes in the world economy bring new opportunities and new threats to the national economic interests. Therefore, the scientific and practical bases of economic security, in particular the methods of calculating the integral index of the level of economic security of the state, should be constantly updated and updated in the light of rapid changes in the world economic system. The article substantiates the need to expand the list of functional components of economic security of Ukraine contained in the Methodological Recommendations of the Ministry of Economy by introducing additional, political and diplomatic component. Diplomatic and political part of the economic security can be described as a condition of internal and external politics of the state, which provides unhindered foreign markets entrance for national economics and business, access to world’s resources and technologies, steady process of goods’ and services’ exchange, free national capital flaw, favorable climate for FDI attraction, comprehensive support and protection of national producer and exporter on the governmental and diplomatic levels throughout world economic system. On the basis of the results of the statistical analysis, theoretical substantiation and quantitative evaluations, the list of indicators of the political-diplomatic component of economic security of Ukraine was formed, the characteristic values of the indicators were determined, the weighting coefficients were calculated. Further empirical studies in the field of economic diplomacy and economic security will allow a more accurate and comprehensive assessment of the level of economic security of the Ukrainian state, taking into account the latest trends in the world economy related to global and regional integration processes.
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