construction, construction industry, construction products, national economy, economic growth, state regulation of the construction industryAbstract
The relevance of the research topic is that progress in the development of human civilization is closely related to the functioning of the construction industry. By the level and quality of constructed buildings (pyramids, temples, theaters, stadiums, canals, hydroelectric power plants, highways, shopping malls, skyscrapers, residential neighborhoods), we can judge the achievements of state formations several millennia ago and today. Therefore, to ensure the dynamic socio-economic development of the country and prevent a crisis, any state must pay considerable attention to control over the activities of the construction industry. Therefore, the importance of the development of the construction industry is that construction is interconnected with almost all sectors of the economy, as it is, on the one hand, a producer and supplier of fixed assets for all sectors of the economy, and on the other - a consumer of many . The rapid development of the construction industry entails a chain of other industries, which has a positive impact on the state of the economy as a whole, solving problems of economic and social importance. The article describes the key elements of the term "construction", which are listed in the International Convention. The tendencies of development of the construction branch, possibility of their use for forecasting and stimulation of development of national economy are investigated. The basic groups of views of researchers concerning definition of "building branch" are systematized and analyzed. The range of production processes, which covers construction as a branch of material production, is revealed. The key features of the functioning of the construction industry are substantiated. The main types of sold construction products are considered and the main segments are selected. Objects and subjects of the construction industry have been identified. The organizational features that are determined by the conditions of construction, affiliation and purpose of the objects under construction and the nature of management are revealed.
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