strategy, development, support, state support, legal support, construction industry, UkraineAbstract
The state support system for construction projects must ensure that the economic, environmental interests of participants are organically linked at all stages of their creation and implementation, from the design, financing, crediting, sale and delivery of facilities. State support involves the implementation of targeted measures to promote the effectiveness of strategies for the industry subject’s development, to solve certain problems identified in accordance with the current realities of the sector functioning and the studied business structures. The development of state support forms for construction projects contributes to the increase in the level of competitiveness of the construction industry subjects, which influences the formation of prospects for the overall growth of the state's economy. The article identifies the main directions of state support for the development strategies of the construction industry of Ukraine, formulated on the basis of an assessment of the functioning problems and the need to provide certain strategic aspects established by the results of the study. In order to achieve this goal, the following will be used: a systematic approach that will help to systematize the main directions in accordance with the above-mentioned problems of regulatory regulation and the needs of implementing development strategies; the method of studying documents (sociological method), which is used to identify problems of regulatory regulation of these problems; forecasting method, which identifies options (opportunities) for improving the strategic development of the Ukrainian construction industry entities that can be secured by the results of implementing proposals and directing optimization as well. An important area of state support for the implementation of successful strategic management in the construction industry is the solution of the problems of regulatory and legal support of this area. In the course of the research devoted to these issues, the main problems of regulatory support were identified in the context of the mentioned issue. This article attempts to formulate and justify the main directions of solving problems and shortcomings of state regulation in the specified field.
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