indirect taxation, value added tax, fiscal effectiveness, fiscal relevance, optimizationAbstract
Annotation. The fiscal role of value added tax in the formation and redistribution of national income and gross domestic product is examined. The list of previously unsolved parts of the general problem is covered. The economic essence of the concept of value added tax is considered. Definition of the term fiscal efficiency is generalized. Theoretical doctrinal approaches to the determination of the main indicators of fiscal efficiency of tax through the analysis of publications and researches of modern Ukrainian and foreign scientists are considered. The indicators were classified by grouping of indicators of tax fiscal importance and tax fiscal efficiency. Based on data from the State Treasury Service of Ukraine and the State Statistics Service, the calculations of the main indicators of fiscal efficiency of value added tax, coefficient of efficiency in gross domestic produc), effective rate of value added tax and productivity of value added tax. The analysis of the received calculations in the period 2014-2018 was conducted. The indicators of fiscal significance of the value added tax indicators, examined by the specific weight of the tax in the State Budget of Ukraine and the gross domestic product, were calculated. The analysis of the received calculations in the period 2014-2018 was carried out. Based on the analysis of publications and research, the problematic issues related to the collection and administration of value added tax and their impact on fiscal efficiency and fiscal significance of the value added tax have been generalized. Recommendations are given on directions for improving fiscal performance and the value of value added tax in Ukraine. Conclusions have been made regarding the material presented. The results of the analysis, problematic issues and ways of improving the fiscal efficiency of value added tax are summarized.
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