innovation and investment components, attractiveness, competitiveness, agricultural productionAbstract
It is noted that in modern conditions the farmers' susceptibility to scientific achievements is rather low. The basic stages of the innovation-investment process are determined: basic (academic) research; applied research; research and development work; commercialization of innovation. The tasks of innovative management are defined. The indicators of investment attractiveness, which are proposed to be conditionally divided into two groups, are considered: social indicators and economic factors. It is noted that the investment climate of business entities is estimated on the basis of indicators of investment potential and investment risk. In turn, investment potential takes into account the main macroeconomic characteristics, the saturation of the territory by factors of production, consumer demand and other indicators and consists of eight groups of indicators). It is noted that the magnitude of investment risk indicates the probability of loss of investment and profit from them. The main types of risk are analyzed. It is determined that in order to increase the investment attractiveness of the rural region it is necessary to increase the potential of agricultural production, to update technological processes of agricultural production, to develop other sectors of the economy and to increase the level of well-being of residents. It is noted that the investment attractiveness of agro-systems is significantly influenced by the level of development of agricultural production, technical equipment of production and share of products produced in private farms. The reasons for the low investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector are analyzed, and it is stated that investment activity in agriculture is determined by regional policy. It is determined that the predicted effect in agricultural production can be achieved only with high competitiveness of domestic agricultural products. The definition of competitive ability is interpreted as its ability to carry out profitable agricultural activities in a competitive market, which is ensured by the skillful use of organizational, managerial, scientific, technical, economic, production, marketing and other measures of efficient agricultural activity. Indicators and their combination for assessing the competitiveness of regional agricultural enterprises are identified. The components of the competitiveness of the agricultural sector have been determined. It is proposed to divide regional agricultural enterprises into four categories according to their degree of competitiveness. It is determined that its final, final form of competitiveness is gaining at the micro level. It is determined that competitiveness can be shown only by comparison of agricultural enterprises, both on a country scale and on a global market scale. It is noted that successful development of agriculture largely depends on solving complex multifactorial problems of raising and ensuring the levels of competitiveness of regional agricultural enterprises and investment attractiveness.
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