regional innovation processes, infrastructural support of regional innovation processes, evaluation of innovation processes, project, border product of regional factors of production, intensity of implementation and development of innovationsAbstract
The article deals with the specifics and problems of evaluating regional innovation processes. The objective assessment of regional innovation processes is specified as the basis for the formation of effective measures of state regulation of both the investigated processes and their infrastructural support. Regional innovation processes are considered as a factor in gaining advantages of the region's economy in the international division of labor. Such benefits are a key basis for the economic development of the territory in the context of globalization and increased global competition. The theoretical and methodological concept of evaluation of regional innovation processes has been improved, taking into account their specificity, in particular the relativity of innovations, differentiation of sources of financing, and the consideration of intensity indicators, which allows to better manage regional innovation processes. The relative nature of innovation processes necessitates the separation of innovative from quasi-innovatives. Comparison of the marginal product of regional factors of production is defined as the basis for separating innovative processes from quasi-innovative ones. The possibility of using methods of performance evaluation, which are similar in the analysis of investment projects, but taking into account the specifics of regional innovations processes, are substantiated. The use of appropriate methods is possible because regional innovation processes take the form of investment projects. This allows us to evaluate not only the performance but also the efficiency of the processes involved as the ratio of results to costs. The specifics and the problems of their evaluation have been clarified. Indicators of intensity of introduction and development of innovations as additional criteria of efficiency of regional innovation processes and corresponding infrastructure are offered.
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