innovation, financial instruments, financial technologies, smart contracts, ICOAbstract
The article deals with the difficulties of introducing innovative financial instruments in the Ukrainian financial market. There are well-grounded measures to improve the implementation of innovative financial instruments at the state level. Raising this issue is very important as it involves analyzing the international community for the possible introduction of innovative financial instruments in their countries. The main purpose of this research is to analyze difficulties in implementing innovative financial instruments at the state level. Researchers should to study more and more carefully the complexity and entanglement mechanism of implementing innovative financial instruments at the state level. It is necessary to do for overcoming potential obstacles and risks. In future necessary to understand how new financial instruments, such as smart-contracts, ICO, mobile systems and other will be involved in the national economy. It is proved that the introduction of virtual financial instruments and virtual assets requires not only the improvement of financial institutions' financial resources, but also changes of financial instructions and regulations. It can be established that implementation of financial innovation instruments in Ukraine is impossible without developed financial infrastructure. These results may in the future be possible for the state level of interaction in their implementation. This article shows us, that it is necessary to carefully study the implementation of innovative financial instruments in the country. The current problems of economics and finance require a better study of new financial instruments. It is necessary to develop research bases that will be able to engage in a thorough study of issues related to how to attract new financial instruments. That is the reason, why it is necessary to study all of the possible difficulties that may arise in the future. It is necessary to analyze all processes, which combined with innovative technologies and their application in Ukraine. The next step should be to offer effective means of monitoring the circulation of innovative financial instruments. All these actions will help in future.
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