іnvestment and innovation support, state innovation policy, industry modernization, fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0Abstract
The issue of improvement of investment and innovation ensuring modernization of industry of Ukraine in the conditions of transition to the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution is investigated. It is determined that the purpose of a renewed scientific and technical, innovation policy is to create the necessary favourable conditions for innovative technological development, implementation of fundamental and applied scientific researches of creation and further Industrial implementation of innovations in the provision of priorities and special attention to industry innovation and Technology 4.0. and modern technologies of the fourth industrial Revolution, with the aim of high-tech development of domestic industry of competitiveness growth. The need to form an investment-innovation complex of industry modernization processes with the introduction of the innovative Industrial Technologies 4.0, which requires improvement of the investment policy Creation of a special trust fund for Innovative Development, investment in innovation activity; Development of venture capital funds and implementation of venture financing mechanisms; Expansion of information organizational support of investment attraction processes; Development of public-private partnership of investing in innovative projects; Development of institutions and mechanisms of public investment, formation of favourable investment climate. The improvement of investment and innovation Investment policy is aimed at creating effective mechanisms of investment stimulation and active attraction of both internal and external investors to finance Processes of innovation activity and processes of creation and industrial introduction of innovations of new technologies in modernization of domestic industry. It is discovered and generalized that the development and realization of the updated scientific technical and innovation policy requires determination and targeted providing of the country priority areas of research and innovative technologies; Creation of a Bank of innovative projects; Support of fundamental applied research in the field of new technologies. It is discovered and generalized that the development and realization of the updated scientific technical and innovation policy requires determination and targeted providing of the country priority areas of research and innovative technologies; Creation of a Bank of innovative projects; Support of fundamental applied research in the field of new technologies.
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