system harmonization, golden section, fractality, economic security, indicators, threats, anti-crisis policy, real economyAbstract
Rating of Global Competitiveness of Ukraine and its Subindices in 2017 -2018 testify to the economic crisis and the breach of economic security. The issue of justification and analysis of the system of fundamental factors of influence on the state of economic security is unresolved. The study of problems of economic security is carried out in violation of the principle of systematic, ignoring the scientific doctrine of universal numerical Harmony of the Universe, and has the consequence of disregarding common mathematical constants, "self-planning" of macroeconomic imbalances and threats to the state of economic security. When developing economic policies and strategies for economic development, ensuring the economic security of the state should be differentiated, which should be unchanged but can be adjusted (invariants), and what should be changed to ensure compliance with the principle of harmony (variation). The implementation of the system of economic security indicators, which creates methodological and methodological bases for measuring, assessing the state, efficiency of providing and developing the conditions of economic security, is relevant. The indicator’s system should be supplemented by the following: level of environmental safety; level of food security; level of the ratio of the volume of private property to the volume of state property in total volume of property; level of export value added multiplier, energy profitability of production; age and level of depreciation of fixed assets; level of budgetary security (in the context of two components: the level of efficiency of tax collection by tax authorities and the level of efficiency of collection of revenues by customs authorities); level of harmonization of interests of citizens (in the context of two components: the level of the ratio of real income of different social groups in society and the level of concentration of property in social groups); level of epidemiological safety (in the context of two components: the level of AIDS/HIV and level of tuberculosis. Both components are conditioned by their scale in Ukraine and adversely affect for level of demographic security, labor supply, budget expenditures on public health). Limited usage of a systematic approach to the study of economic security and fundamental factors requires the implementation of a transdisciplinary approach in research. Mathematical reference should be the correspondence to the constants of the recurrent series of proportional distribution. It is advisable to use economic physics as a science, which forms a new theoretical and methodological basis of modern economic theory.
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