


construction enterprise, construction industry, economic security system, threats, structure of economic security system


The author investigates the works of domestic scientists and practitioners, who are devoted to the study of the peculiarities of interpretation of the concept of "system of economic security of enterprises" and "system of economic security of enterprises of the construction industry". The specifics of the construction of the economic security system of the enterprise, depending on the purpose of creation and functioning in accordance with the approaches to understanding the economic security of the enterprise. The basic approaches to interpretation of the category "economic security system of the enterprise" were studied, which allowed to establish the purpose and functions of such system, to separate the objects and subjects of the specified system. Basic principles of functioning of the system of economic security of the enterprise are systematized (principle of legality, principle of complexity, timeliness, principle of continuity, principle of centralization (controllability) of management, principle of specialization and professionalism, principle of conspiracy and publicity, principle of mandatory differentiation of measures, principle activity, the principle of economic feasibility, the principle of validity), which allowed to establish the peculiarities of the functioning of this system. The main factors that negatively affect the economic security of the construction industry enterprises have been identified and the place of threats among these negative factors has been identified. Separate internal and external threats to the economic security of enterprises, including the construction industry, identify the sources of their occurrence and the consequences of their impact. The author's interpretation of the concept of "economic security of construction industry enterprises" is offered, which differs from the existing concepts by establishing the interdependence between the functioning of the economic security system of the construction industry as a whole and of individual construction enterprises.


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Author Biography

В. І. Дмитренко, Cherkasy institute of fire Protection and nameless heroes of Chornobil

PhD (Еconomics), professor


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How to Cite

Дмитренко, В. І. (2019). ECONOMIC SECURITY SYSTEM OF BUILDING INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (56), 156–164.



Chapter 8. Economic security of the state and economic entities