


enterprise, business structure, globalization, integration, integration forms of business structures


The article considers new main trends of development of modern enterprises, which in the conditions of globalization and integration process reformat their structure both at the international, national, regional and micro level with the simultaneous transition to more efficient forms in the form of entrepreneurial structures. Under the business structure is a voluntary statutory or temporary association of several enterprises of different ownership and (if necessary) individual entities (freelancers) into a single integrated complex open system, functioning in a globalized environment, created on the basis of a combination of material and the intangible interests of the participating companies, acting on the basis of a memorandum or charter as a legal entity, with the aim of developing and commercializing innovative products that enhance It enhances the efficiency of the activity and accelerates the integration development of the economic entities that form such a structure. It is found that the process of integration can take many forms in space, which causes horizontal, vertical, conglomerate and global integration of business structures. It is proved that integrated business structures are created for joint business operations in the market on the basis of more rational use of production, financial, labor resources, consistent scientific and technical and innovation policy. Due to the development of horizontal integration processes within the industry integrated business structures are formed. The development of vertical integration processes causes the formation of vertically-integrated business structures in the form of: plants that are characterized by a complete technological cycle; integrated structures based on the contractual system of relationships between manufacturers, processors and marketing organizations; inter-branch associations, holdings and others. Business structures are now multilevel in nature and are structured not only horizontally but also vertically, under the influence of the process of conglomerate integration. Global integration processes, gradually reducing the importance of individual economies, provide a powerful impetus for the development of enterprise-level integration processes, leading to the formation of globalized transnational corporations.


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Author Biography

З. Я. Шацька, Kyiv national university technologies and design

PhD (Economics), associate professor of business economics and tourism department


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How to Cite

Шацька, З. Я. (2019). CLASSIFICATION OF INTEGRATING FORMS OF BUSINESS STRUCTURES. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (56), 143–147.



Chapter 7. Entrepreneuship, trade and stock exchanges