



strategy, financing, financial support, subsidy, model, agricultural production, food production


The article is devoted to the research of actual problems of financial support of the activity of enterprises of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Theoretical analysis of approaches to financing in the food subcomplex is carried out. The state of the government support of agricultural producers is investigated. The expediency of a gradual transition from direct subsidization to general support for agricultural enterprises and farmers is substantiated. A systematic method was used to investigate scientific approaches to financial support for agricultural production based on a complex analysis of its structural elements. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the current state of financing of different categories of producers. Using the method of systematic analysis, theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding the nature of financial support for agricultural production have been evaluated. The peculiarities in the interpretation by different scientists of the nature and strategy of financing the agrarian sector are revealed. The structure of sources of financial support of agroindustrial complex at the expense of general and special funds of the state budget is analyzed. Implementation of agricultural support programs has been investigated. The role and importance of financial security is revealed and its impact on the economy is determined. The directions of improvement of the existing scientific provisions on definition of a strategic model of financing of agroindustrial complex based on complex analysis of different options are offered. Contradictions and differences of modern scientific approaches to interpretation of directions of financial support of agricultural producers are investigated and revealed. On this basis, we propose our own approach to the formation of a strategic model of financing of agroindustrial complex, based on the gradual transition from direct subsidization to general financing using preferential lending programs and support of scientific research. Based on the proposed strategy of financial support of agricultural enterprises, practical recommendations have been developed, which are the scientific basis for improving the interaction of its elements. The use of proposals by state bodies and scientific institutions will provide the necessary support to agricultural producers; improve the efficiency and competitiveness of their own production, the level of food and economic security of the country.


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Author Biography

І. І. Румик, “KROK” University

PhD (Economics), associate professor, associate professor of national economy and finance department


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How to Cite

Румик, І. І. (2019). A STRATEGY FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR FOOD PRODUCTION. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (56), 64–73. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2019-56-64-73



Chapter 3. Finance, banking and insurance