


economic security, agricultural enterprise, economic sustainability, financial resources, financial safeguards


Economic security of agrarian enterprises is a system of relations between the participants of the four spheres of agrarian relations, which should ensure active reproductive processes in agricultural production and acceptable profitability of agrarian activity, reduce the risks of doing agrarian business and guarantee the food security of the region and the country's food security. of the state. In the conditions of integration of the agar sector of the economy of Ukraine into the European economic space, research into the directions of ensuring the economic security of agricultural enterprises is of paramount importance. This is due to the need to adapt their financial activities to strengthen competition in the food market in the context of difficult (compared to European producers) access to external resources. Financial security remains an important component of the economic security system of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises. In order to ensure their own financial security, they should focus their attention on more self-sufficient financial resources available to them. From the above list of tools to overcome the seasonal imbalance of farmers' financial resources, the first four instruments can be attributed to self-sufficiency measures, while the next three are inherently different options for attracting external sources of financing. Agricultural sustainability and security are interrelated and interdependent characteristics of their activities. This is explained by the fact that enterprise security is one of the determinants of their economic resilience, while resilience reflects the level of development of their potential, which is the basis for the formation and strengthening of economic resilience. That is why the simultaneous formation of both of the above characteristics is the basis for the effective functioning and development of enterprises. However, the existence of a number of unresolved problems, such as resource depletion and lack of support, require the development of fuses for the economic security of agricultural enterprises.


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Author Biography

Р. В. Марков, National institute for strategic studies

PhD (economics), doctoral student


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Доповідь «Про соціально-економічне становище України за січень – листопад 2019 року». URL :



How to Cite

Марков, Р. В. (2019). FINANCIAL FUSES OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Science Notes of KROK University, ((3) 55), 210–215.



Chapter 8. Economic security of the state and economic entities