


regional market of educational services, marketing communications, marketing tools, communication policy, aggressive marketing


The article investigates the current state of the regional market for educational services, reveals the need to use communication support and marketing tools in the market of educational services in order to bring information to the target audience and the successful positioning of educational institutions in the region. The marketing communication tools used in the regional market of educational services to establish long-term relationships with consumers and other contact audiences are considered. It is noted that in the current conditions of functioning alongside traditional tools for promoting educational services, regional higher education institutions are actively using the strategy of aggressive marketing. It is emphasized that the alternative to aggressive marketing today can be only Digital marketing, whose influence in the marketing communications system has increased significantly in recent years due to the development of telecommunication and digital technologies, mobile devices, computer technology and the Internet. An important component of communication policy is the interaction of educational institutions with business and regional employment centers, which provide information on employment opportunities for graduates and predict the demand for individual specialists in the labor market. It is stated that the information and communication policy in the market of educational services can be conducted not only within Ukraine, but also abroad, positioning Ukraine as a country with affordable, quality education and comfortable living conditions. It is proved that the marketing communication system, together with the modernized digital communication channels, is able to ensure coordination of methods and means of promotion of services in the regional educational market in order to meet the needs of the labor market and consumers.


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Author Biographies

О. В. Коломицева, Cherkasy state technological university

doctor of science (economics), professor, head of department of economic cybernetics and marketing

Л. М. Чепурда, Cherkasy state technological university

doctor of science (economics), professor, dean of the faculty of food technology and services

Л. С. Васильченко, Cherkasy state technological university

PhD (economics), associate professor, associate professor of economic cybernetics and marketing department


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How to Cite

Коломицева, О. В., Чепурда, Л. М., & Васильченко, Л. С. (2019). COMMUNICATION SUPPORT IN THE FORMATION OF REGIONAL MARKET OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. Science Notes of KROK University, ((3) 55), 110–116.



Chapter 6. Management and marketing