


сontainertraffics are considered, types of containers, planning of transportations, classification of containers


Containertraffics are considered most popular in the whole world, their universality – it one of the most important reasons which allowed container transportation to become the biggest-selling method of transporting of load. It is such type of transportation, when from a customer it is needed only to specify a place from where to take away a load and where to deliver him. Thereon participating of customer in such transportation is closed. It is already impossible itself to present a production without realization of transportation of loads on different distances. The competitiveness of products is largely determined its price in the complement of which transport charges are included from the place of production to the place of consumption. Such charges can approach charges, to related to the production. Through the high cost of a transport constituent the competitiveness of products goes down not only on oversea but also on internal, markets. On a present moment delivery of loads is conducted the most optimum and less expense for a customer method. In this case a necessity is realization of planning of international containertraffics of, which will allow substantially to reduce charges on the leadthrough of transporting.A research object is a process of realization of international containertraffics on the enterprise of «MARIN CONTAINER of SERVIS». The article of research are theoretical and methodological aspects of realization of planning of international containertraffics of logistic enterprise. A purpose is development of ways of perfection of planning of international containertraffics of commodities. In the article investigational concept and types of containers, certainly basic advantages and stages of planning of containertraffics. Being and dynamics of realization of containertraffics is analysed in the enterprise of LTD. «MARIN CONTAINER SERVICE». Directions of improvement of organization of planning of containertraffics are developed and grounded.


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Author Biographies

Г. М. Пазєєва, «KROK» University

PhD (economics), associate professor of managerial technologies departament

Д. В. Чижевський, «KROK» University



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How to Cite

Пазєєва, Г. М., & Чижевський, Д. В. (2019). PLANNING OF INTERNATIONAL MARINE CONTAINERTRAFFICS OF COMMODITIES. Science Notes of KROK University, ((3) 55), 29–40.



Chapter 2. International economic relations