balanced development index, macroeconomic indicators, macroeconomic equilibrium index, economic security, national securityAbstract
The purpose of this study is to seek aggregated macroeconomic indicators (indices) that most accurately reflect the state of economic and national security of the country. The need for a quantitative assessment of such complex, multicomponent phenomena, which is the country's economic and national security, is due to the needs of the modern tools for assessing the effectiveness of economic governance and the effectiveness of economic policies carried out by public authorities. Such an assessment is possible on the basis of the analysis of macroeconomic indicators, and on the most aggregated levels based on the integrated analysis of the main indicators of macroeconomic development. In the article, an attempt is made to vicarious as the basis of the quantitative estimation of economic and national security pre-calculated macroeconomic ratios. This approach assumes a high level of aggregation of macroeconomic indicators in the framework of a single quantitative index, which opens up the shirokie opportunities for unification of calculations and further use of indicators in the comparative analysis of countries. The approach proposed in the article based on the macroeconomic equilibrium index is complicated by the necessity of taking into account in the general estimation of the time factor that is realized by way of taking into account the values of Approximation or deviation of the actual economic indicators from the target levels. On the other hand, the proposed method does not exclude the need for calibration of the final index, since Equilibrium Parameters as a set of macroeconomic equivalences are not static. In the proposed methodology used the main macroeconomic indicators, which are in the open access, and the same growth rate of GDP, changes in prices, employment. Other words An attempt has been made to include indicators in the output index that create the greatest impact on economic and national security. The article presents the results of the comparison of the index of balanced development and the index of macroeconomic equilibrium on the prilada of Poland, made conclusions about the possible and the benefits! Application of similar indicators for assessment of the state of economic and national security of Ukraine.
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