education, college, institutions of higher education, state, financing of education, training of specialists in colleges of UkraineAbstract
System transformations in Ukraine lead to a change in the vision of the role of education in public policy, require clarification of the existing and the establishment of new priority directions of its development, as well as mechanisms for its adaptation to modern socio-economic conditions. This requires a rethinking of the approaches to the current practice of regulating relevant processes in the field of education, envisaging their adaptation to the dynamic conditions of the development of information technologies and the use of best foreign practices, as well as taking into account the global trends in the development of economic relations and human resources. The present stage of the transformation of the education system is marked by deep permeability in the social sphere and economic activity, entering the global markets for labor, services, goods and capital. Under such conditions, effective reform of the education system is impossible due to only administrative methods of the education system itself. Necessary consolidated efforts of power structures of all levels, employers, the population taking into account the state of the economy and social needs. In the education of modern Ukraine, there are two anxious processes: on the one hand, we are witnessing the crisis phenomena associated with inadequate funding and investment, the deterioration of material and technical resources and resources; on the other hand, education as an integral organism is capable of self-development; therefore, the positive factor is the increase of its potential. In these conditions, colleges appear to be more complex organizations whose management is not sufficiently carried out by traditional academic methods and methods. The need for education reforms brings about profound changes in the mission and structure of education. However, the functioning of education in the conditions of market relations, the spread of globalization and integration processes require continuous updating of the methods of state regulation of this area and more efficient use of their tools. The availability of a comprehensive study on this issue will provide an opportunity to generalize issues that are least explored; to highlight the problems that require a first-rate solution and to promote the optimal combination of market and state-owned mechanisms for regulation of higher education. Therefore, colleges are forced to assume new responsibilities and responsibilities, and play a new role in society and in the world.
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