structural policy, industrial development, structural policy components, the economic security of the state, ensuring economic security, the components of the economic security of the stateAbstract
The article examined the question of the implementation of the structural policy of the State of its industrial development in the context of ensuring economic security, is formalized and documented the relationship of the components of the system, the State's economic security spheres and directions, the components of the structural policy in modern conditions of dynamic social and economic changes. Defined components of the State of structural policy, the balance of which will be able to change the structure of the economy and its industry, increasing the share of high-tech and medium technological production in its structure, to strengthen the socio-economic potential of the country, and to ensure the protection of existing and potential threats in the modern conditions of economic development. Researched that ensuring economic security displays the status and level of consideration of the economic interests of the country in one way or in another economic sector, however, structural policy and its implementation Act strategic tools, tools the actual implementation of the economic interests of the State as in the domestic market and in aspects of international relations and the realization of the interests of the country's external economic market and proven zavyazok and interdependence of the status and level of the components of the spheres economic security of the State and formation, the priorities and strategic directions of structural policy. It is investigated that the economy of the country is a system of interrelated industries, sectors, segments that are interacting and complementary functional relationships, systemic elements and structural policy reflects the structural construction of the existing the country's economic system and determines the directions of the implementation of the necessary coordination, regulatory and management changes in its structure for defined areas: industry, innovation, investment, industrial, ecological, competitive, vìdtvorûvalnim, institutional regional and others. Determined that the sustainable socio-economic development is the result of implementation in the country staged and a balanced structural policy capable of ensuring the effective functioning of the entire economic system, and a high level of economic security of the State are intrinsically linked and are the result of sustained, effective socio-economic development.
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