


corporate knowledge, corporate globalization of knowledge, principles of corporate knowledge, the theory of firms, knowledge economy, intellectual capital


The article formulated the principle of formation of corporate knowledge in TNCs. The identified economic theories that contributed to the development of corporate knowledge at the present stage. It is substantiated that the main feature of the knowledge economy is accelerated development and use of intangible assets, intangible business environment, intellectual resources and technologies for managing corporate knowledge. At the beginning of the XXI century it should be noted that the modern stage of society's development is characterized by a large amount of accumulated knowledge, even in narrow thematic areas.This stipulates the urgent need for the formation of a special methodology that will allow the search and use of new knowledge with less heuristic costs while at the same time increasing the likelihood of achieving the goal. There was a need to manage the creative potential of the creators of new knowledge themselves. Corporate knowledge is a constantly changing complex combination of structured experience, values, contextual information of the organization and serves as the basis for assessing and assimilating new experiences and information. Strategic principles and features of corporate knowledge at the present stage of development of TNCs are formulated. This approach ensures sustainable socio-economic development and forms the competitiveness of TNCs. In the context of resource constraints, the ability to implement a knowledge management system in the organization is its main competitive advantage. At the moment, experts are betting on knowledge and their bearers. In this regard, widespread use and application of technology based on the knowledge system. Knowledge management system is a new stage in the development of management technology, changing the stage for the use of corporate databases.


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Author Biography

Т. Г. Бусарєва, Kyiv National Economic University Named after Vadim Getman

PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics


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How to Cite

Бусарєва, Т. Г. (2019). CORPORATE GLOBALIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE. Science Notes of KROK University, (2 (54), 45–50.



Chapter 2. International economic relations