Priorities of Anti-Cartel Regulation in Ukraine


  • К. Ф. Захарова "KROK" University



аntimonopoly policy, priorities of anti-cartel regulation, integral indicator of macroeconomic stability, indexes of cartelization, matrix of pair correlations of macroeconomic indicators and indicators of concentration of markets


In this paper, the possibility of introducing econometric tools into the practice of antitrust authorities in order to identify price conspiracies is investigated. The complex of active tools for detecting and preventing national economy cartelization in the form of price conspiracies in the practice of domestic antimonopoly authorities has been analyzed and a set of proposals for their improvement has been proposed. The ways of implementation of economic and legal methods of counteracting cartelization in the practice of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine are proposed in order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure for detecting and proving the existence of a cartel conspiracy.


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Author Biography

К. Ф. Захарова, "KROK" University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Economic Theory Department,


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How to Cite

Захарова, К. Ф. (2018). Priorities of Anti-Cartel Regulation in Ukraine. Science Notes of KROK University, (48), 27–38.



Chapter 1 Economic Theory