financial market, economic security, investment security, indicators of investment security, direct investment, portfolio investmentAbstract
The article reveals modern tendencies of development of the global financial market. The authors disclose the key features of financial flows and determine modern trends of the world economy. The article points out fundamentals of globalization of financial markets and shows the impact of globalization on different aspects of social life, including financial markets. The authors concentrate on revealing the essence of such notions, as “security”, “national economic security” and “investment security”. The article notes the variety of approaches to interpreting the term “investment security”, which is viewed via investment policy within the framework of national economic security in developed, while the majority of researchers in post-Soviet countries consider it a component of the state economic security. The authors disclose quantitative and qualitative features of investment business affecting the volumes of attracted foreign capital, which, in its turn, stimulates the social and economic development of a receiving country. The article sets out conditions of reaching the investment security of the state. The authors have analyzed and calculated the key indicators of investment security considering positions of Ukraine in international ranking. The article sheds light on the key threats to the investment security of Ukraine, which are the main hazards preventing the realization of national interests, in particular, the accelerated economic growth. The article indicates suggestions aimed at amending the attractiveness of investment environment of Ukraine. The authors mention that the significant shadow economic sectors limits the ability of the state to implement the effective investment policy and negatively impact the political image of a country, as well as complicates the development of legal economy and its market reforming. The authors have elaborated the recommendations aimed at increasing the bulk of investments to Ukraine in conditions of hostile political and economic situation, and geopolitical challenges.
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