personnel, enterprise, personnel evaluation, personnel management, systemAbstract
In the article the authors consider modern tendencies of forming an effective system of personnel assessment at the enterprise. It has been established that in order to increase the efficiency of the enterprise activity, today the study of the ratio of certain categories of personnel, that is, its structure. The compliance of the employee with the professional and qualification requirements of the position he occupies increases the need to study the professional qualification structure of the personnel, taking into account the current aspects of working with the personnel of the enterprise: the definition of available knowledge, skills and abilities; identification of potential; taking into account the psychological and personality characteristics of each employee. This can be achieved by providing the professional qualification structure of the personnel of the enterprise. It has been determined that other methods of evaluation should be used to obtain maximum information on employees. One of the non-traditional methods of attestation is the 360° certification method. The essence of this method is that an employee is assessed by his supervisor, his colleagues and subordinates. The specific attestation mechanisms can be varied (all those who qualify fill out the same form of evaluation, each category fills in a special form, certification is done with the help of a computer), but the essence of this method is to get a comprehensive assessment of who they are testing. It has been proved that the personnel assessment system in a particular enterprise will have a number of distinctive features, since it should reflect and take into account factors such as enterprise goals, environmental status, organizational structure, traditions and enterprise culture, staff characteristics. The authors developed suggestions for improving the management of personnel, including: medical insurance system, work analysis, labor valuation and performance evaluation, staffing for higher education, improving the selection, evaluation and adaptation of new employees.
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