technological competitiveness, branch of economy, decomposition, economic development, national economyAbstract
The following factors influence the competitive development of the national economy, such as the creation of prerequisites for technological modernization and innovation growth. The enhancement of the technological competitiveness of a country in transition is associated with technological improvements in the national economy and the creation of new mechanisms for innovation development that are in line with the real state of a market economy, with the improvement and adaptation of the existing, formed by the administrative system, mechanisms. The purpose of the article is to study the aspects of evaluation and ensuring the technological competitiveness of the economy. The author's interpretation of the competitiveness of the economic sector, type of economic activity, industry is presented in the article. The analysis of the essence-content characteristics of the competitiveness of the national economy is carried out. The methods used by leading financial and economic organizations to determine the competitiveness of economies are presented. The essence-content and process-functional characteristics of technological competitiveness are analyzed and it is proved that it is an integral part of the overall system of competitiveness of the economy. The "loop" of the sequence of ensuring technological competitiveness in the multilevel system of the national economy is considered. The expediency of taking into account technological, infrastructural, resource and environmental components while assessing the technological competitiveness of the economy is indicated. Graphically, the decomposition of the technological competitiveness of the economy in terms of its assessment and provision is depicted graphically. The study of the decomposition of the technological competitiveness of the economy has a great theoretical and practical significance. It makes it possible to significantly deepen the understanding of the structure of the economy, trends in its development by taking into account the changes in the correlation between technological structures. The analysis of its evaluation and provision shows that the technological component of this structure is the basis of economic development. Technological development is an integral part of the modern development of the countries of the world. States that are not included in this process, while remaining away from global economic processes, risk missing as separate ones.
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