international transport corridor, transit potential, marine, rail, road transport, snfrastructure, GO Highway projectAbstract
The article analyzes the influence of the country's transport and logistics system on the development of the economic growth of Ukraine's infrastructure and increasing the competitiveness of the national economy. One of the main directions of the implementation of transport policy in the world in recent times is the organization of the operation and development of international transport corridors (ITC) and their involvement in the international transport network. This is due to the factors of globalization, the new scientific and technological revolution, global integration processes. Therefore, taking into account the ratification of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the development of priority ITCs is relevant and strategically important for Ukraine. The analysis of studies and publications related to the functioning of the MTC that pass through the territory of Ukraine and their general significance for the economy of the country indicates that a number of problematic issues regarding the impact of MTC on the development and operation of Ukraine's logistics infrastructure have not yet been sufficiently studied and require further research. . The present state of functioning of existing transport corridors passing through the territory of Ukraine is considered. The information on the development of the ITC of Ukraine is systematized and the prospects for their development are analyzed. The optimal variant of development of the most promising MTK Gdansk - Odessa is substantiated and its influence on improvement of transport infrastructure of Ukraine is determined. The connection of the development of this transport corridor with the development of regional infrastructure of adjacent territories of Lviv, Volyn, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky, Vinnytsya, Cherkasy, Mykolayiv, Kherson and Odesa regions, with the construction of specific logistic and transport facilities is shown. The importance of implementation of the largest project in Ukraine - GO Highway in the field of road infrastructure, aimed at improving international and border links, road safety, regional economic development of Ukrainian cities, connection of Polish Baltic ports in Gdansk and Gdynia to the Ukrainian Black Sea ports of Nikolaev and Odessa. The strategic perspectives for Ukraine in the European transport network TEN-T, as for the Eastern Partnership, which should become the subject of further research, are defined.
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