Aims and Scope

Collection of scientific works «Scientific Notes of «KROK» University» (Collection) is an  scientific economic peer-reviewed publication, which publishes materials of scientists of different levels in the form of scientific articles in order to disseminate them, both among domestic researchers and abroad.

The collection practices open access policy to published content, supporting the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and the global exchange of knowledge for general social progress.

The collection of scientific works «Scientific Notes of «KROK» University» focuses on researches that have a high level of scientific substantiation of the conclusions and present new important information for a wide scientific circle.

The aim of the Collection is to highlight the scientific articles of Ukrainian and foreign scholars aiming at studying the problems of society development, namely:

  • Economic theory anf history of economic research;
  • International economic relations;
  • Finance, banking and insurance;
  • Accounting, audit and taxation;
  • Рublic management and administration;
  • Management and marketing;
  • Entrepreneuship, trade and stock exchanges;
  • Economic security of the state and economic entities;
  • Innovative activities;
  • Psychology.

The main tasks of the Сollection:

  1. Methodological - discussion of the content, issues and prospects of development of the domestic and world economic system, information and analytical activity of economic entities, as well as analysis of current existing and demonstration of new methods and approaches, etc.
  2. Informational – provision of results of best practices, professional analytical reviews, informing about changes in legislation, etc.
  3. Formation of the scientific community - publication of articles by researchers from different regions of Ukraine and international scientific space.