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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Technical requirements for the layout of the articles:
    1. The article should be written in Ukrainian or English, carefully read by the author, correspond to the thematic direction of the collection of scientific works and include all structural elements (in compliance with the specified sequence).
    2. The volume of the manuscript is 15-25 thousand characters, including figures, tables (7-16 pages).
    3. The text of the article should be typed on a computer (WORD) in Times New Roman 14, with 1.5 line spacing, left: 2 cm on the left, 2 cm on the right, top and below - 2 cm.
    4. The file name must be the same as the author's name (for example: Ivanov).
    5. There should be no hyphenation of words and macros. The typing should disable automatic "soft" hyphenation (forbidden "forced" hyphenation). Mark paragraphs only with the Enter key, do not use spaces or tabs (Tab key).
    6. Quotations, tables, illustrations, and all digital data are provided with mandatory references to the sources. Each table and figure must be accompanied by a source (Source:…).
    7. The amount of table material and illustrations should be appropriate. Numerical material is presented in a table bearing the order number (eg, Table 1) and the title (printed above the table in bold). Illustrations should also be numbered and they should have the names indicated under each illustration (for example, Fig. 2. Advantages of efficient demand structuring). Pictures drawn in MS Word should be grouped; they should be the only graphic object. For Excel drawings, you need to send an Excel (2003) file in addition to the article.
    8. Formulas are executed using the built-in formula editor MS Equation and are numbered on the right.
  • The article must be written on a relevant topic, contain the results of in-depth scientific research and justification of the obtained scientific conclusions. The article must be written in Ukrainian or English, carefully proofread by the author, correspond to the thematic direction of the collection of scientific works and include all structural elements (in compliance with the specified sequence) in accordance with clause 3 of the Resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine dated 15.01.2003 No. 7-05/1:
    - Index of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), which is placed at the beginning of the article);
    - information about the author (name and surname; academic title and scientific degree; position or degree obtained; name of the educational institution/scientific institution; settlement; country; E-mail; ORCID);
    - title of the article;
    - an abstract in Ukrainian and English (1,800-2,500 characters), indicating the relevance of the research topic; research purpose and methodology; received scientific results and prospects for further research;
    - keywords in Ukrainian and English (5-8 words and/or phrases);
    - the number of formulas, tables, figures and literary sources in the article: for the Ukrainian language (Formula: 2; figure: 3, table: 1, bibl.: 12); for English (Formulas: 2; fig.: 3, tabl.: 1, bibl.: 12);
    - introduction (statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with the latest research and publications, as well as with important scientific and practical tasks, with mandatory references in the text to the used sources;
    - analysis of the latest research and publications, in which the solution to this problem was initiated and on which the author relies, selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem, to which the article is devoted. The literature review on the topic of the study is carried out in the generally accepted style of ARA. You can find an example by sample;
    - statement of the task (formulation of the purpose and methods of the research under consideration);
    - research results (outline of the main research material with justification of the obtained scientific results);
    - conclusions (scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of research, socio-economic effect arising from the implementation of scientific results, prospects for further scientific developments in this direction);
    - literature - the list of used sources is placed at the end of the article. All original sources must be referenced. Primary sources are provided in the original language. References to unpublished work are not permitted. The number of literary sources should be at least 10 references, of which at least half should be references to foreign sources. Source names in the bibliography are placed alphabetically, as prescribed by the ARA style. It is not advisable to refer to textbooks, training manuals, journalistic articles.
    At the end of the article, the author must indicate that it is sent for publication only to the Collection of Scientific Works "Scientific Notes of the University "KROK", put a signature and date.

Author Guidelines

You can find a sample of the literature review and the list of used sources in APA style here.


* A receipt for payment of the publication is sent to the author after a positive decision on the review of the article. The cost of publishing an article is set at UAH 100 for one page of text. 

The author(s) of the article will be sent one copy of the journal. About additional copies, warn in advance with the appropriate additional payment. The cost of one additional copy is UAH 100.

Privacy Statement

Authors and reviewers

Manuscripts should be reviewed with due respect to the confidentiality of the authors. Submitting their manuscripts to review, the authors trust the editors the results of their scientific work and creative efforts, from which their reputation and career may depend on. The rights of authors may be violated in case of disclosure of confidential information during the review of manuscripts. Reviewers also have the right to privacy, which should be maintained by the editor. Confidentiality may be violated if there is dishonesty or fraud, but in other cases, it should be followed.

The editorial staff should not disclose information about the manuscripts (including their receipt, content, status in the process of review, criticism of reviewers or final fate) to anyone except authors and reviewers. This includes requests for the use of materials for legitimate actions.

The editorial staff must clearly explain to their reviewers that the manuscripts submitted for the review are privileged and privately owned by the authors. Therefore, reviewers and editors should respect the rights of the authors without discussing their work publicly and assigning their ideas to the publication of the manuscript. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of manuscripts for their files, as well as it’s also forbidden to pass them to other people, with the exception of the permission of the editor. Reviewers must return or delete copies of manuscripts after submitting reviews. The editorial staff should not keep copies of rejected manuscripts.

Reviewers’ comments cannot be published or made public without the permission of the reviewer, author and editor.

Thoughts differ on whether reviewers should remain anonymous. Authors should get acquainted with the Information for journal authors to which they have decided to submit the manuscript to find out whether the reviews are anonymous. If the comments are not signed, the reviewers should not be disclosed to the author or anyone else without the permission of the reviewers.

Some journals publish reviewers’ reviews together with the manuscript. Such a procedure is not allowed without the agreement of the authors and reviewers. However, comments from reviewers are sent to other people who review the same manuscript, which helps reviewers understand the review process. Reviewers may also be informed of the editor's decision to accept or reject the manuscript.