



domestic labor market, inclusive development, level of development, taxonomic index, employment, unemployment


The article is devoted to the study of the state of domestic development of the labor market of rural settlements of regions of Ukraine in the paradigm of inclusive economic growth. It is substantiated that the parameters of functioning and the level of development of the domestic labor market are the main markers of the compliance of development of regions with the requirements of inclusive economic growth. According to the content of inclusive growth, indicators of estimation of the level of development of the domestic labor market are formulated on the example of rural settlements. The quantitative criteria of depression and crisis of the state of the domestic labor market are offered: the level of employment according to the methodology of the International Labor Organization is lower than the average Ukrainian level by 20%; the registered unemployment rate of working-age people is higher than the national average by 30%; the level of unemployment according to the ILO methodology for persons 15-70 years higher than the national average by 30%; the length of the search for a job in the full labor market - higher than the national average by 30%. In the article to assess the level of development of the domestic labor market taxonomic ones used indicator of the level of S. Helviha. According to the calculations, there are no such regions that are problematic for all the criteria formulated. However, according to certain criteria of inclusive growth, all regions of the country are problematic. It was substantiated that: the vast majority of regions are characterized by instability of trends in changes in the parameters of productivity of employment or social tension; regions with high integral indicator of the level of development of the domestic labor market of rural settlements are characterized by persistent tendencies of ensuring the inclusiveness of the functioning of the social and labor sphere; the economic behavior of the rural population of the regions is most mobile and adapted to modern changes; depressed regions with low (in comparison with the average Ukrainian) general economic parameters have a limited labor-resource potential for ensuring the inclusiveness of economic development. It is determined that the long-term and sustainability of negative tendencies of the domestic labor market of certain regions form a trap of economic backwardness, social tension, and destroy the potential of achieving the inclusive quality of economic transformations in the country.


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Author Biography

І. В. Терон, M.M. V. Ptukha institute of demography and social studies, National Academy of sciences

candidate of economic sciences, senior researcher, leading researcher in department of problems of social capital formation


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How to Cite

Терон, І. В. (2019). EVALUATION OF THE INTERNAL LABOR MARKET DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF SAFETY AND INCLUSIVITY OF ECONOMIC GROWTH. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (53), 19–26. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2019-53-19-26



Chapter 1. Economic theory and history of economic thought