



social capital, labor market, dynamics of development, stability of development, economic security


The article is devoted to the study of the essence impact of social capital on the stability of the development labor market settlements and on economical safety of country. It has been determined that social capital is an important untapped reserve for ensuring a stable development of the labor market, high standards of quality of working life and social tension in the country. It was been formulated definition of social capital and its structural aspects, which form the basis for their specific practical functions realization in the context of overcoming the threats to national economic security. The methodical study scheme of the influence of social capital on the functioning on the labor market and the dynamics of development are described. As an important aspects of scientific analysis are defined: assessment of the coordinated impact of social capital and global megatrends, innovation, socialization, informatization and financing, on the labor market; elucidation of the directions of structural and dynamic influence of components of the influence of social capital on the quality labor market development. It has been accented on identification detection of the features and trends of the country's labor market development under the influence of social capital; identification of threats for balancing the social and economic interests of the participants in the social-labor relations; identification of compensatory resources, potential opportunities, available social capital; substantiation of imperatives and mechanisms of formation of productive social capital as a condition of stable socially oriented development of the labor market. It is shown that the use of this scheme in turn will ensure the reliability of the forecast assessment of the labor market from the point of view of national security and competitiveness and stability of the national economy development.


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Author Biography

І. В. Терон, M.M. V. Ptukha institute of demography and social studies, National Academy of sciences

сandidate of economic sciences, senior researcher, leading researcher in department of problems of social capital formation


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How to Cite

Терон, І. В. (2018). EFFECT OF SOCIAL CAPITAL ON STABILITY OF LABOR MARKET DEVELOPMENT : SECURITY ASPECT. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (52), 170–175. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2018-52-170-175



Chapter 8. Economic security of the state and economic entities