
  • К. О. Луценко «KROK» University regions
  • В. Ю. Луценко «KROK» University regions



The article highlights modern trends of the development of communications in marketing. It is analyzed a number of definitions of the term «marketing communications». It is determined that common in these interpretations is that marketing communications are defined as the set of such signals which are transmitted to the target audience. Theoretical analysis of the problem revealed that in the scientific sources is lack of clear scientific position concerning the interpretation of essence of concept «marketing communication». For the first time the concept of "marketing communications" is interpreted as a set of such signals, having a complex character and convey the information from a company (enterprise) to the target audience through advertising, propaganda and et. all. It is seen that classical types of marketing communications: advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion are gradually replaced with the modern progressive trends are closely linked with Internet resources. All the above-mentioned types of marketing communications move to the Internet, which causes their transformation, change and adaptation to modern conditions. Modern trends in marketing communication is also not standing still. They transform, update, adjust to the demands of the modern consumer and technical process. Special attention is paid to the definition of modern trends in the development of communications in marketing namely: Аmbient-media; email; SMS marketing; QR coding; mobile social networks Viber, Telegram, What‘s up; online shopping; mobile app for IOS and Android and so on. The study does not claim to the final solution of multidimensional problems of study of modern trends of development of communications in the marketing system. The prospect of further research considers as a further work on the raised issue.


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Author Biographies

К. О. Луценко, «KROK» University regions

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), active member of the Association of the Professors from Slavonic
Countries / APSC, associated professor of foreign languages and special language preparation departmentat

В. Ю. Луценко, «KROK» University regions

1st year holder of a master‘s degree


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How to Cite

Луценко, К. О., & Луценко, В. Ю. (2019). MODERN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS IN THE SYSTEM OF MARKETING. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (51), 151–156.



Chapter 7. Marketing, entrepreurship, trade and stock exchanges