



sustainability, resilience, agroindustry, entrepreneurship integration, Economy 5.0


The paper deals with the theoretical aspects and practical prerequisites for entrepreneurial integration in the agroindustry in terms of the Economy 5.0. The aim of the paper is to find new ways for entrepreneurship integration in Economy 5.0 conditions in purpose of sustainability and resilience for agroindustry. The methodological approach is based on the combination of approaches for sectoral division of the economy, the development of technological structures, digital economy and circular economy based on the concept of sustainable development which could be combine in cluster approach to integration.  A new type of economy requires accelerated development of information technologies and the formation of special centres of information technologies that allow you to obtain a new combination of human and technological factors of production necessary for the creation of economic goods. The main directions and opportunities to combine the digital and circular economy are determined to ensure sustainable development of the agroindustrial sector. The peculiarities of agroindustry for the formation of integration associations are identified. A road map of formation of cluster associations in agroindustriality has been developed for effective entrepreneurial integration in Economy 5.0. A platform of digital infrastructure of entrepreneurial integration in Economy 5.0 has been developed. Conclusions have been made about the possibilities of entrepreneurial integration in agribusiness in a modern innovation economy as a prerequisite for structural shifts in the spread of advanced digital production technologies that can become tools for improving the stability and competitiveness of national business. Entrepreneurial integration combines into a single integral structure of the enterprise of different sectors to form an effective resilient economic entity. In digital transformation, the cluster infrastructure can function effectively in the virtual space of the digital environment. We maintain the position that digital infrastructure in the aspect of the software should include the following components.


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Author Biography

Yuliia Kostynets, National Academy of Management

Doctor of Science (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Marketing, Economics, Management and Administration, Vice-Rector International, National Academy of Management, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Kostynets, Y. (2023). ENTREPRENEURSHIP INTEGRATION IN ECONOMY 5.0: SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE FOR AGROINDUSTRY. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(70), 76–82. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2022-70-76-82