
  • Olena Bielova "KROK” University




climate, climate management, ecological management, climate marketing, ecological marketing, sustainable development, strategy


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation of climate and ecological management and marketing in a modern enterprise. The terms "climate management", "ecological management" and "sustainable strategic development of the enterprise" are defined. The preconditions for the emergence and development of ecological and climate management and marketing in a modern enterprise in the process of its sustainable strategic development are identified and analyzed. Since the sustainable strategic development of the enterprise is defined in the article as a kind of socio-economic strategic development of the enterprise, carried out in harmony with the environment, it is emphasized that sustainable strategic development involves ensuring and meeting real social needs without compromising the interests of future generations, which involves the use of ecological and climate management and marketing. It is also emphasized that for the enterprise in the transition to the model of sustainable development it is necessary to ensure economically stable and further development of the enterprise due to its rational economic activity on the basis of low-waste and resource-saving technologies; as well as to promote changes in the structure of production and consumption, as there is a need to compare production with depreciation and consumption. The article defines that ecological and climate management in a modern enterprise in the process of its sustainable strategic development affects such areas as: organizational culture of the enterprise; natural resources management; waste management; security management; energy management at the enterprise; product life cycle management, etc. The article analyzes that the effectiveness of climate and ecological management and marketing also depends on such internal factors as: the level of staff qualifications; motivation of management and staff; availability of resources; level of responsibility at the enterprise. Of the external factors, the norms and laws on ecological protection at the macro level and the participation of stakeholders at the micro level are identified as key. The main advantages of climate and ecological management and marketing for sustainable strategic development of the enterprise are identified and it is emphasized that with optimally thought-out and planned implementation climate and ecological management and marketing can not only significantly increase the company's profit and production capacity, but also contributes to the formation of manifestations of modern ecological culture, which is an integral part of sustainable strategic development of any modern enterprise.


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Author Biography

Olena Bielova, "KROK” University

PhD (Economics), associate professor at marketing and behavioral economics department, Member of EU Erasmus + KA2 project (higher education capacity development) CLIMAN


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How to Cite

Bielova, O. (2021). FEATURES OF CLIMATE AND ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING AS THE BASIS FOR SUSTAINABLE STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT OF A MODERN ENTERPRISE. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(63), 109–115. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2021-63-109-115



Chapter 6. Management and marketing